A figure artist I know once told me that when she needs to get back to learning the basics, she goes back to eggs, sketching them to learn anew form and shadow and shape. 'An egg a day.' I like that idea.

Writers may not be able to draw eggs, but we can write about them. 

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Egg # 44: Love/Hate Egg

Write a brief scene in which a character explains what he or she loves about eggs. Then write a brief scene in which a character explains what she or he hates about eggs.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Egg # 43: One Egg; Six Words

Choose 6 random words from any book. Use those words along with the word 'egg' in a passage that you write in 5 to 15 minutes.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Egg # 42: Curse or Blessing?

A woman cracks open an egg to discover two yolks. She's excited and happy, because she views two yolks as a blessing. Describe the event in five sentences.

Across town, another woman cracks open an egg to also discover two yolks. She views the event as a curse. Write five sentences describing her experience.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Egg # 41: Still Life With Egg and Beret

Write a scene which includes an egg, a beret, a glass of wine, a French newspaper and the smell of bread baking.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Egg #40: Good Egg/Bad Egg

Perhaps you've heard the expression "C'mon, be a good egg." Or, "Stay away from him. He's a bad egg." Where do these expressions come from? Write a 100 word monologue of a character pondering this. 

Suggested first line:
"Well, good egg or bad egg, an egg is an egg"

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Egg #39: Egg Point of View

Describe your residence from the point of view of an egg,  beginning with the interior of your refrigerator.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Egg #38: The Way I See It

Describe an egg from the point of view of:

-a 52 year old male farmer
-a 30-something female vegan activist
-a teenage male stock boy
-a 40-something female store clerk

Write 3 sentences for each one without actually mentioning the age, gender or occupation of the character.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Egg #37: Still Life With Egg and Chihuahua

Write a scene that includes an egg, a chihuahua, a pumpkin, a green garden hose and the scent of lemons.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Egg #36: Fortune Egg

A character finds a fortune slip inside of an egg after cracking it against a skillet. What does the fortune say? List 3 other odd things that happen to this character throughout the day.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Egg #35: Cracked Eggs & Peaches

Start a piece with the line 'It was the summer of cracked eggs and peaches.'

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Egg #34: Egg Clothing

A woman sews clothing for hard-boiled eggs to wear. She sets up a table at the flea market every Sunday and sells the items. Describe 3 of the outfits. Describe the woman in 3 sentences. Describe the room where she sews the clothes in 3 sentences. Describe the people at the tables to the left and right of her in 3 sentences each. 

What does she call her business?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Egg # 33: Blue Eggs & Grits

While it may not be 'Green Eggs & Ham,' go ahead and give it a try. Write a little rhyming piece about blue eggs and grits.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Egg # 32: Show & Tell

A child brings an egg to class for Show & Tell. What does he or she say about the egg? What is so special about that particular egg?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Egg # 31: Still Life With Egg and Wrench

Write a scene that includes a hard-boiled egg, a wrench, a plaid cap, a bottle of Jack Daniels and a can of coffee.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Egg # 30: Egg Phobia

Write a monologue in which a character explains his egg phobia. How did it come about? When? How do eggs make him feel?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Egg # 29: The Face in the Egg

One morning, a woman cooks an egg over-easy for her husband. She sets it on the table before him, and he sees a face in the egg. Whose face is it? Does the woman see the face, too?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Egg # 28: Arguing Over Eggs

Two sisters are arguing over eggs. Write out the argument, incorporating these phrases into the dialogue:

- "You couldn't shine your shoes if you tried."
- "I gave those pennies back."
- "Shell. Not smell. Shell."
- "Oh, no. Don't bring up the fish again."
- "You knew it wasn't dead!"
- "Does it look yellow to you?"

Friday, August 6, 2010

Egg # 27: Still Life With Egg and Magic 8-Ball

Write a scene that includes an egg, a Magic 8-Ball, a book of crossword puzzles, two oranges and and old transistor radio.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Egg # 26: The Way She Likes Her Eggs

You can tell a lot from a person by the way he or she likes their eggs prepared. List 10 names. Next to each, list the way he or she likes their eggs. Then, add a word to describe that person. 

For instance:
Valerie. Scrambled. Scattered.
Tom. Hard-boiled. Determined.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Egg # 25: Eggs Every Way

Make a list of every way you know that eggs can be prepared. Scrambled, poached, boiled. Eggs Benedict. Omelets. Etc. Jot a three to five word description beside each to capture the essence of that particular preparation--texture, smell, color.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Egg # 24: Egg Art

An artist creates an installation piece from eggs. Describe the piece, and the process of making it.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Egg #23: Obsessed by Eggs

Describe the kitchen and living room of a woman obsessed by eggs.
