A figure artist I know once told me that when she needs to get back to learning the basics, she goes back to eggs, sketching them to learn anew form and shadow and shape. 'An egg a day.' I like that idea.

Writers may not be able to draw eggs, but we can write about them. 

Monday, July 19, 2010

Egg #13: Modern Day Humpity-Dumpity

You've heard the nursery rhyme about Humpity-Dumpity, the egg who had a great fall and couldn't be put back together again, not even by all the king's horses and all the king's men. So, write a modern version of this tale. What could befall a man so badly that nothing could put him back together? What has the capacity to break a man, in other words. Loss of money? Loss of power? Did he get caught embezzling and sent to prison? Did he return home one day to find the love of his life packed up and gone? And who are the king's horses and the king's men who try to put him back together again? Therapists? Attorneys? Doctors? Friends? Who tries to help him put his life together again?

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