A figure artist I know once told me that when she needs to get back to learning the basics, she goes back to eggs, sketching them to learn anew form and shadow and shape. 'An egg a day.' I like that idea.

Writers may not be able to draw eggs, but we can write about them. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Egg #49: Egg Metaphors & Similes

Practice writing metaphors and similes using eggs as a subject. For instance:

-The egg burst yellow like a drunken sunrise on a gin-soaked Monday in October.

-The rotten egg sat waiting in the carton beside the stove, a shifty bandit ready to ambush the stagecoach at noon.

Write 3 metaphors and 3 similes. Don't worry about it sounding silly--just let go and have some fun and allow your imagination to have free reign.

