A figure artist I know once told me that when she needs to get back to learning the basics, she goes back to eggs, sketching them to learn anew form and shadow and shape. 'An egg a day.' I like that idea.
Writers may not be able to draw eggs, but we can write about them.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Egg #52: Still Life With Egg and Dominoes
Write a brief scene which incorporates an egg, dominoes, the scent of a clove cigarette burning, a bottle of red wine and a blue shawl.
Cynthia Riede lives in the Greater Boston area. Her short stories have been published in many literary journals, including StoryQuarterly, Black Warrior Review, and Alaska Quarterly Review. She recently completed a novel and is working on a memoir about taking care of her mother, who died from MS in 1986.
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