A figure artist I know once told me that when she needs to get back to learning the basics, she goes back to eggs, sketching them to learn anew form and shadow and shape. 'An egg a day.' I like that idea.

Writers may not be able to draw eggs, but we can write about them. 

Friday, September 17, 2010

Egg #57 : Death Row Egg

The short story "Last Requests," by Giles Smith, is told from the point of view of a woman who prepares the final meals for prisoners on Death Row. While some of the prisoners have simple requests, such as a meal from McDonald's or a take-out curry, other requests are more specific, such as the inmate who desires "two guinea fowl, wrapped in bacon and roasted, with buttered green beans and mashed celeriac."

Write a last meal request for a prisoner who wants an egg. How does he or she want it prepared? Do they request anything else with the meal? What crime landed the prisoner on Death Row?

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